Dear minions,
You’ll be happy to hear the search for the elusive Higgs boson (i.e. God particle) continues at the 27-kilometer long underground Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva. This means you still have a chance to conquer the higgs field and control all the mass of the universe.
Or do you…?
Recent reports suggest the higgs boson has already been found in a woman’s bosom. Details below.
What is the Higgs boson?
According to the Standard Model, the Higgs boson is the particle that gives mass to all other particles.
The Higgs boson is the only Standard Model particle that has not been observed. It’s elusive…
Why do scientists think they can find the Higgs boson in an underground tunnel?
By smashing particles into each other, scientists can create mysterious particles that are impossible to observe any other way. The large hadron collider allows scientists to smash molecules into each other at near the speed of light.
Scientists hope to find evidence for the elusive Higgs boson in the debris.
Has the higgs boson really been found in a woman’s bosom?
According to the theory of Quantum Tantrics, the Higgs boson is a woman’s bosom.
The theory evolved out of a simple repeated observation: Men exposed to a woman’s bosom often proclaim godliness with quotes like, “oh my god!”, “thank you god”, or “check it out, I god wood”…
And so the question was raised, are men witnessing the god particle?
Evidence that the higgs boson is a woman’s bosom
Exposure to a woman’s bosom leads to hard collisions. When male and female human bodies are collided together, particles accelerated into a woman’s tunnel can lead to the creation of life-forms with mass. The truth has been right in front of us all this time… A woman’s bosom creates mass.
Further evidence, such as the gravitational pull women exert on men and the mass gained by male organs when exposed to the bosom support this theory. A woman’s bosom is the higgs boson.
The facts erected here don’t lie, women overlords have the potential to control all mass in the universe. If you have doubts, feel free to reproduce these conclusions experimentally, this is solid science.
Never underestimate a lady overlord. Women control the higgs field.
If the theory of Quantum Tantrics is correct, then women already have the power to control the higgs field…
Never underestimate a lady overlord, the force is with them.
In their bosom.